Friday, March 28, 2014

u shall not pass

holy light

     Once the church bells start going, they emit the holy light of the church. its not possible for a bell to emit light but in this case the holyness takes place in the light show and tells them to go back into there graves for another day of normality in the life of the dead. the plausibility of this happening in this situation makes sense for this because of the darkness gets sight of the church light to remind them that theres always the good threat of that good can always cross paths with evil and make there difference in the confrontation. for the bells to emit white light when struck is not possible, but in the case of demons and the dead on top of a mountain would make sense

the night on bald mountain

Dancing Flame 

    the impossibility of flames actually dancing is nonexistent because of it doesnt have a body to move and sway with dancing. the possiblilty for flames to be dancing is visually intact. to see physical features that are seen in the flames, is not a very possible thing. its very possible in real life to have someone being burned alive and they could flail and have other people see them and make stories of fires having some physical attributes to them so the stories can grow into dancing flame spirits around certain occasions. Flames can sway in the air and look like its dancing so the visual look of it makes it possible for fire to actually be dancing.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

dancing dead

Dancing dead

il n'est pas possible pour les démons à danser à cause d'eux étant mort pour commencer. la plausibilité de cet être une chose est une idée fausse du sens de yeux dans la vie réelle. il a une possiblitity pour elle aussi se produire si quelqu'un belived en rien que le concept de démons existent et peuvent voir que theres démons à venir autour de la nuit pour se joindre à une autorité supérieure à la louange et tel. son possible aussi parce que des personnes réelles de la vie serait s'habiller en vêtements démoniaques pour la situation rituel à la louange à dieu (s). ils auraient s'habiller en peaux d'animaux morts et sacrifier les gens y cible et de regarder et de la danse avec des éloges. de sorte que la possibilité que cela se produise est acording pour les yeux.

Shadowy Fingers

Shadowy Fingers

its not possible to have shadowy fingers creep across the town for high up on the mountains. the possibility of the fingers is possible due to the fact that clouds flying over can cast the shadows out onto the town to make shadowy fingers to the people. the showing of this would resemble the fingers casted by the demon to get the dead from the town. its plausible in the way that the demons arms can go into witchcraft mode and go through the walls and such to pull the dead from there graves.

mountain demons

Plausible v Impossible

A Night on Baldmountain

   In the video, its a Plausible take when the demon is on top of the mountain and opens its wings and is just there.with this, its not real to have this happening in real life because demons dont exist in this form of physicality but its possible because of a long time ago, demons and witches were very real and there couldve been sightings of things like this happening by just people looking high up in the mountains and looking at a figure that they cant explain so they would just call it a demon.