Friday, August 29, 2014

head,shoulders, knees and toes

the shoulder buttons are roughed out. onto another project like the environment

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


directional pads ended up looking awesome. got to make a platform for it to sit on.

little things

got the analog formed and now to get the "holder",can't think of a name for it, to be made and going to try to fit puzzle pieces together.
now have to start putting them together.
I'm sure this is looking close to right. Onto other objects to get them up and looking close.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


August 27&28 make an actual rough draft of the object
August 29&2 of Sept work on buttons and such
September 3&4 work with analogs
work from there

Too fast for calendar:Update
August 29 work on environment. poss. continue onto Sep.2
September 2 and/or 3 work with actual controller

September 4 and 5-mess with putting puzzle pieces together

September forever vertex stitching

Friday, August 22, 2014


i have the visual of the controller now duping it and now comes the rest of the features.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


finally got a start to the look. Back to frustration.

Project 1

    I'm going to create a 3D PS4 controller in maya and try to go from there.
I might have a little too much vertexes for this.