My project of the first quarter is a Dualshock 4 controller(playstation 4 controller). I wanted to spark a conversation about the controller because if people know some of the details about the controller or camera movements, then people that know of the controller could speak and they'd get more credit of details of the controller. The main point would be the conversation sparked and more focus on the camera movements and details of modeling with the judges can point the smallest of things out. I tried more than 2 ways of trying to take on this project, but I deleted some of the rough files one day so i can't show those. Settling on the final building it from blocks and normal pieces to get it flowing easier too. I was originally going to build a structure of some sorts or character related projects, but I went with modeling and the fact that helped me out the most would be that I have the controller so the modeling goes better than only having internet references. I would start out using lynda, but then learning of a easier more possible way of doing it made lynda un needed so I just stopped eventually.
I was originally going to not do modeling. I was original looking at buildings or characters related projects, but I had a playstation 4 controller and that made the choice of modeling easier. My plan at the beginning was to go from creating polygon tool then go from there. The problem that occurred was eventually too many vertices for it, so I trashed it mostly. Then I tried creating it from a rectangle with messing with insert edge loops and smoothing and checking back and forth, but never finished it cause the visual of the controller wasn't there and was lost. With pre-production, I was watching a lot of lynda videos, then stopped with lynda after I figured out a better way.
A lot of little projects that combined into one big object was the way my project went. Everything was built individually like the camera sticks, shoulder buttons, right side buttons, directional buttons and more into one. My hardest times were getting the project up and running fulling because the techniques were not clear for me to take off running, then the other problem was merging the vertices in the controller handles with each other. The merging vertices were the biggest problem and I had to deal with what i had by trying to mask the vertices under the camera movement. Once I started the actual final controller, I didn't need to go back to the beginning and I went through the walls eventually and cooped. I started with lynda, but i dropped her, then I picked up the modeling and then I grabbed my controller from my house and used it for the reference instead of internet. A celebration of mine was going back in and fixing some of the problems that was happening with camera movements and some obstacles in the shots like the computer looking object and once I started the final form of the controller, the calendar that I was making had dates that I'd surpass easy. I'd have to go change some dates or just make new mini projects scheduled.

Its hard to make a controller in maya. the handles on the controller gave the hardest brick wall to go over with soo many vertices. I got the hang of smoothing surfaces and messing with some of the settings. Creating bits of the project and having them form into 1 bigger main project worked. I had to get the 2 controller handles set and ready, but when I combined the 2 pieces of them, it created vertices that I had to combine, but the problem would be that id have to merge vertices and have it keep looking wrong and not smooth and round. The final controller is very very close to the real image of the controller. I didn't have some of the details in it because knowledge and time. I could've easily make the speakers in the controller with creating cylinders and cutting holes with them, but never got to it for a reason. I think it came out better than what was possible in the beginning for me. The overall finished project feels good to me and with more time, I'd spend it on figuring out how to make certain features happen and tools that would be used correctly.
After the class critiques:
Wooden table texture wasn't lined up correctly, but the overall of the outcome is good.. I fixed the camera problem and made it more smooth and a person on can easily see the controller now without the camera shooting past everything. The critiques that were made were good and the critiquing was there and they are noticeable on screen. Blinn and phong E are special for light part but I don't see reflection of light off my controller in real life so when I look at the decisions of the controllers texture, I don't really see the texture as that wrong.